Welcome to Heritage
A place where natural curiosity and imagination leads to discovery in learners of all ages.
Welcome to Heritage
imagination lead to discovery in learners of all ages.
We meet kids where they are.

As one of the leading Infant Montessori schools in Allen, our ultimate goal is to produce students who are actively involved in their learning process, have a natural curiosity and interest in what goes on around them, and are on their way to discovering their passions and talents so that they can develop them as they grow older. In order to achieve this, the Heritage Infant Montessori School employs the use of specially trained staff and faculty who are well aware of their role in shaping the future of these kids.

At the Heritage Toddler Montessori school, we believe that the best way of teaching young learners is to give them their freedom with adequate guidance to ensure they keep moving in the right direction. Children at this age love to do things independently but cannot be left to make their own decisions which is why this teaching model is as successful as any other applied in Toddler Montessori schools across Allen.Young minds at this age are still learning to make sense of the world

Between the ages of 3 to 6 years old, children tend to be extremely observant and sensitive to the things around them as they learn from their surroundings and pick up even the most minor details. We use this factor to our advantage at the Heritage Pre Primary Montessori School and with the help of gentle guidance and practical learning, enable the students to develop healthy skills and habits form a very young age.We believe that every child is unique in their own way rather than changing and chopping .

Every parent wants their child to receive the best education and guidance so that they can become the best versions of themselves. With the help of Heritage Primary Montessori School, you can now allow your child to learn and grow in a balanced environment that enables them to expand their intellect while simultaneously explore their creative side.

Welcome to Heritage Montessori
At Heritage Montessori, one of the best Montessori Schools in Allen, not only do we strive for academic excellence, but we also aim to produce students who harbor a natural curiosity for everything around them as we believe that the best way to purvey education is to ensure that the children have interest in learning.

Welcome to Heritage Montessori
At Heritage Montessori, one of the best Montessori Schools in Allen, not only do we strive for academic excellence, but we also aim to produce students who harbor a natural curiosity for everything around them as we believe that the best way to purvey education is to ensure that the children have interest in learning.
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