7 Random Acts of Kindness for Kids

Teaching kindness to kids is valuable. Research says that teaching kindness to children has a good impact on their academic, health, and social outcomes. There are random acts of kindness for kids, which we will be discussing in this blog.

When students are taught kindness at school, they have higher self-esteem, more willingness to learn, better attendance, and less bullying and violence. According to studies, children who perform acts of kindness are more likely to be welcomed by their peers. Their good deeds increase their well-being and assist them in developing positive worldviews.

Recent research reveals that today’s children have more empathy for others than in previous generations. While your child may learn a few lessons about kindness from their friends, they will also learn from their parents’ example. To teach your child how to be kind, empathetic, and giving, perform random acts of kindness with them.

Of course, your child’s acts of kindness may not be totally ‘random,’ as they will almost certainly require your support. However, educating them to do good things for others now could help them recognize opportunities to express kindness later in life.

Random Acts of Kindness for Kids:

Here is the list of random acts of kindness for kids that you can do with them.

#1 Donate to those who are in need

It’s great to get kids involved in fundraising, but fundraisers might be too abstract at times. Children do not fully comprehend who they are raising funds for or how the funds will be used.

Instead, get them involved in the donation process directly. Consider the following scenario to teach kids kindness:

  • Plant a vegetable garden and give your child regular responsibilities like watering the plants, pulling weeds, and harvesting the vegetables. Then distribute the vegetables to others who are in need.
  • Donate gently used toys to a children’s home, a homeless shelter, or a domestic violence shelter. Discuss where the gifts are going with your child and allow them to choose the toys they want to give.
  • Help your child in identifying items that can be donated to other kids. Allow them to choose the stuff they’d like to give.
  • Make a meal and give it to an older neighbor, relative, or friend.
  • Donate gently used books to your local library or a charitable organization.

#2 Thank You Notes to Write

​Thank you notes don’t have to include pushing your kids to write letters to everyone after they’ve received gifts. Rather, tell your child that there are individuals to thank at any time of the year.

Make a list of all the people who work behind the scenes to improve your child’s life and encourage him or her to thank them. Assist your child in writing thank you messages to others who have helped them. They can make drawings for Grandma or make a card for a daycare provider, Sunday School teacher, or a family member.

Make special notes for other people who help your families, such as the mailman, the hairdresser, or the doctor. Thank police officers and firefighters in your town for their efforts by writing letters.

#3 Do Chores For Others

Perform acts of service for anyone who may want assistance. Your child will learn to spot individuals in need and opportunities to help if you make it a habit to do so frequently.

  • Find a neighbor that could need some yard work assistance. Rake the leaves, mow the lawn, or weed the garden as a family.
  • Donate time regularly to help grandparents around the house.
  • Encourage your child to undertake one of their siblings’ chores for them as a surprise.

#4 Care for Animals

Animal-related acts of kindness are popular among children.

Here are a few ideas for how you can help animals:

  • Inquire about becoming a volunteer at a local animal shelter. Some shelters may enable children to help with minor tasks such as putting donations away or preparing meals for the animals.
  • Children can read to dogs at some animal shelters.
  • Inquire about having your child tell stories or read books to animals at the shelter.
  • Volunteer to walk someone’s dog or look after a pet while the owner is away.
  • Assist your child in selecting a unique treat for your pet.

#5 Make a Gift for Someone

Encourage your child to make small gifts that they can give out. Simple crafts that they make or drawings that they draw could be given as gifts. Encourage them to spend their own money on craft supplies if they receive an allowance.

Random acts of kindness for kids

Alternatives include:

  • Give your children art supplies so that they can make gifts. Someone’s day can be brightened by a handcrafted note, a modest bird feeder, or a painting.
  • Instead of encouraging your child to make long holiday wish lists, encourage them to make a list of good deeds and homemade gifts that they may give away.
  • On a piece of paper, write the names of various friends, family members, and neighbors. Fill a container with the papers. Draw a name once a week and work with your child to come up with a gift for that person.

#6 Give Compliments

Saying something nice to someone can count as a random act of kindness. Instill in your child the habit of giving compliments and praising others’ efforts.

Here are some ideas for getting your kid to give compliments:

  • Make it a goal to give out good words and compliments at the start of each day. Discuss what it means to give compliments, whether they say, “I like your sneakers,” to another child on the playground, or “Your hair looks good today,” to a sibling.
  • Colored note cards are handy to have on hand. Allow your child to write modest compliments on them that they might leave for others. Leave one on the table at a restaurant to congratulate your waitress, or leave one for the lawn-care business to commend them on their work.

#7 Spread a Little Joy

Any small gesture that brightens someone else’s day qualifies as a random act of kindness. Kindness will become second nature to your child if you purposefully spread cheer daily.

Random acts of kindness for kids

Consider the following scenario:

  • Give someone some flowers you cut from your garden (or flowers you bought at the shop).
  • Pay a visit to someone who could benefit from some companionship, such as an elderly neighbor or someone who doesn’t get out much.
  • Volunteer your time at a nursing home. Children may be welcome to visit with the residents in some cases. Alternatively, you might be able to send homemade gifts to the residents, such as colored pictures your child has drawn.
  • When you go to the playground- bring extra drinks and snacks to share with the other kids.
  • Each month, select a new person to whom you will give wonderful surprises. Then, with your child’s help, come up with some nice things you can do for that individual. Try to keep it a secret for as long as you can.
  • Start a lemonade stand and hand out free lemonade.
  • “Let’s try if we can get some people to help us today,” say. Then, while you go about your day, look for opportunities to hold the door open for someone or to let someone in the line ahead of you at the shop.


Every action, no matter how small, has an impact. (This also applies to you!) Today, help your child in utilizing their kindness superpowers! Kindness is a superpower that children can practice daily. Flag these inspiring ideas. Choosing the best Montessori school to develop the essential skills is also a great idea.



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