Temper tantrums, which can be upsetting for a child and embarrassing for a parent, are a typical part of a young child’s growth. A kid’s temper tantrum is generally the result of frustration, such as not being able to express themselves adequately, dissatisfaction with the current circumstance, or just being too tired, hungry, or bored.
Here’s how to stop temper tantrums if you’ve gone past the point of not allowing one to start:
Why Do Kids Have Temper Tantrums?
Even though tantrums are slightly more typical in the toddler years, many kids still have them, much to the chagrin of the adults around them. Tantrums are most common in children aged one to three, although they can happen to anyone (including adults!). And, while some tantrums are the result of blatant rebellion, many are the result of exasperation. A tantrum is a way a child may behave when they are attempting to show their independence, but something is getting in the way (particularly if it happens in public). Tantrums are embarrassing and distressing for everyone concerned (especially if they happen in public). Tantrums can occur in different situations:
- Preschoolers have yet to develop abilities that would allow them to express themselves as they would like, and when they are unable to do so, they are likely to have a meltdown.
- A child may be unsure about what he wants because he is tired, hungry, or simply bored.
- If the child is attempting something for the first time, such as tying shoes, and is having difficulty.
- He may be just having a bad day.
Tantrums may occur infrequently in some kids, while they may occur several times every day in others. There’s no one-size-fits-all explanation for why this happens but children development specialists suspect different factors, including the child’s age, stress levels, overall disposition, and documented and undiscovered health concerns. It is also important to think about your behavior. Do you easily give in to your child’s demands or are you a strict parent?
How to Stop Temper Tantrums?
There are several schools of thought on how to handle tantrums, and which one you choose will be determined by where you live and the type of child you have.
#1 Ignore it:
Try going away if you can, but make sure your child is safe first. Stay close by, but make it plain that her show does not affect you by your behaviors. Don’t look her in the eyes or speak to her. When she realizes she’s not getting a response, she’ll most likely stop.
#2 Diffuse it:
There are many strategies you can opt for when it comes to stop temper tantrum. Rub your child’s back and speak to her in low, quiet tones to calm her down. Repeating the same word again and over, such as “You’re OK,” or “It’s alright,” or singing a peaceful song or nursery rhyme, appears to help some parents. You might also try delivering a ridiculous joke or making a funny expression to add some humor to the situation.
#3 Find a distraction:Â
If you notice your child is having a tantrum, but it hasn’t turned into a full-fledged outburst, try to distract them. Show them something intriguing or get them involved in an activity.
#4 Stay calm:Â
Don’t threaten, lecture, or quarrel with your child when they are having a tantrum. This will just exacerbate the fury. Talk to your child about their previous conduct later, when they are quiet and calm.
#5 Keep them safe:
Remove any potentially harmful items from the area. Consider holding your child to prevent them from injuring themselves. Bring your child to a safe place until they calm down if they are absolutely out of control. If necessary, give them a “time-out” by putting them in a room away from the TV and other distractions.
What should you avoid?
What you should avoid doing- is yelling at your child or attempting to reason with him. There is no way to communicate with your child while he is having an emotional outburst. All you have to do now is wait till it’s over.
Pick her up and take her to a more private location like your car or a public restroom- if the tantrum occurs in a public place. Put her in her car seat and drive home if you can’t get the tantrum under control. Unfortunately, some places, such as an airplane or a train, do not allow you to depart. Simply put, do your best and smile. Others may be irritated, but your child is your priority, not theirs.
You must intervene promptly if your child begins to bite, kick, hit, or engage in other aggressive actions. Removing the child from the situation until she has calmed down is the best option.
Give her a hug and a kiss instead, and then go on. If you feel the need to discuss it, do it after a few hours when you are both more relaxed.
All in all:
Temper tantrums are an inevitable aspect of a child’s development, but one that can be frustrating. Toddlers throw frequent tantrums, an average of one a day. Temper tantrums frequently occur as a result of children’s need to be autonomous while still seeking parental attention. Getting angry or irritated is of no use. Always try to stay calm in these situations. The good news is that this phase will not persist indefinitely. Children will learn to manage their emotions as they grow and learn to express themselves better. When it comes to handling tantrums, Montessori education is quite helpful. One of the best decisions that parents can make is to enroll their kids in a Montessori school.